Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jayvee R. Marjes
GdayX Reaction paper

GdayX focused on advertising Google websites and how to use them. It was very fun for the participants because of the things that they had learned and because of the prizes that were given in the event and also free food. The event will be able to help a lot of people for their businesses, to help during the calamities, and also for blogging. During the event, I was able to attend three workshops. First of the workshops I attended was the one with Fleire Castro. She talked about the use of Google Mapping for Crises.
Miss Castro showed us pictures of what the Typhoon Sendong has done a year ago. It was very devastating, there were floods, a lot of razed buildings, and people begging for help. She said, Google Mapping will be able to help those people. Those people who wanted to help, they can have a helping center and place it on the Google map. Through Google Map, people can see where those helping centers are. It is not just for the casualties, it can also be used for the volunteers of the typhoon for them to find the center they can assist.
Next one was with Jr Padilla. He talked about Google Maps for Business and also the Development of Google Maps. Google map has undergone a lot of innovations before it has become the way it is now. It was just a normal map before, but now, map users can view famous cities in street view, where people can see a place like they are on the place themselves.
Google map is a very useful tool for business nowadays. Using it, entrepreneurs can inform people about their businesses and on how people can approach them. Business persons can easily go to their respective clients easily and efficiently. One of the examples for this is the delivery service. By using google map, the deliverer will know easily the place he will be heading to without getting lost and late for the delivery.
The last workshop was the one with Fitz Villafuerte about the use of blogging on businesses. He told that blogging is more of an advertisement for the business of the entrepreneur. It is because, people oftenly use the internet for limitless purposes, and one of them is blogging, and the entrepreneur can take advantage of that to advertise their product or business. In blogging, they should use appropriate advertisements and styles for the blog to work efficiently, or to attract a lot of customers.

The whole workshop was very fun and worth it, especially to the business men. They could get a lot of tips on the speakers on how to get a lot of customers or to advertise their business. It goes to show that the internet has a lot of usage, specifically the Google sites. It can be used as an aid during calamities or for business purposes.

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