2013-68149 STS THY
Mr. Henry Bemis works in a bank but has this obsession in
books. He wanted to just read but is forbidden by the bank president, Bemis’s
wife, and time. But as the saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for...”
because as you may have all the time in the world, you will suddenly realize
something is still lacking.
I cannot really quite connect to the show maybe because I am
not a bookworm. But when I change to addiction to social networking sites, I
surely would feel guilty. So, if I were to make an adaptation, I will change
Henry’s addiction to books to addiction to social networking sites. I want to change
it to a female protagonist because I think it’s more effective (guys are
usually more into computer games). I wish to show to the audience how she’s
having messed up priorities from family to academics to friends. The ending was
exaggerated but I think it works, though. I would not change it. She will
suffer from bad grades which effects to her family reprimanding her and to
losing her friends. By “friends” I meant her real friends and not just anyone
she met on Facebook or Twitter. After that, she starts to hate them and wish
for all the time in the world. Instead of the broken glasses, I want it to be a
broken computer to represent technology. And since, no one exists except her;
therefore she has no one to talk to in social networking sites.
Sometimes even the simplest things are the most dangerous
ones. An addiction turned obsession is something serious. We need to know our
priorities. Yes, we can have a little fun, but we must never forget the things
we want to achieve in life. A little something to look forward to when we age.
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