Thursday, March 13, 2014

Student Number:; 2013-68149
Reaction Paper: Imeldific: Terrific or Horrific?

                “It is easy to be beautiful because it is natural.”

                One thing I noticed about Imelda: she is one vain woman. No matter how much she tries to tell stories about how she wants to help the Philippines in some way she manages to relate it to her beauty (although in my opinion she is not that beautiful). To Imelda Marcos, everything is personal. I could not help but think over the probability that she did not really love her husband, the late Ferdinand Marcos. Instead, she loved herself so much that she would not care about the country and care only about herself. Yes, I do understand the fact that girls need shoes and I am honestly jealous of all her “babies” but if you are someone trying to be a person of the masses, then I guess buying hundreds of shoes is not proper.

Her ultimate reason of dressing up is because she wants to be the lady whom everyone looks up to. She wants to be the “star”. And for her that is something that will help the country. For me, I believe that to be able to be the “star”, she must be a member of the masses. She must show them that she is just like a normal citizen. Not someone with a high position in the society.

I cannot help but notice her absurdness with the way she explained her philosophical beliefs. I mean, it was pretty obvious that the filmmaker was trying to make her sound funny because of the way the video was edited. She is smart. Or maybe she just knows how to look smart. Because if you are a woman who prioritizes the way you should be killed (and the design of the bolo) rather than her life, then there has got to be something wrong.

 I have to admit at first glance, there is really something about Imelda Marcos that makes me want to be just like her.  She is posh, and well-off, and very glamorous. But when I come to think of how she is supposed to register to my mind, I think what I have in mind is wrong. 

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