Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Fly

Name: Derecho, Edjierson
Student No.: 2013- 41509
Section: THY         
Reaction Paper for The Fly (1958)

The movie The Fly is a science fiction film about a scientist who built a device that transport matter from a chamber to another chamber. After sometime, the scientist finally succeeded on the experiment and tried it first on lifeless things. After the success he tried on living things which includes his pet cat however, instead of transporting the cat, he disintegrated the cat. After the failed experiment, he then tried to fix the problem and had built a man-sized replica of the invention. Afterwards, he tried it to himself and it was a success but it turned his the head and his left arm into a head and a left arm of a fly because a fly got caught in the chamber. It was only later discovered by his wife who went down to the basement where his invention was kept. When the wife called for her husband, the husband responded using a letter. He explained what has happened to him and that he needs his wife to find the fly who had mixed with his atoms and that by finding it can help him reverse the process. They tried to search for the fly but still no progress. Until such time, he became hopeless so he decided to lay his head and his left arm to the hydraulic press and commanded his to push the start button.
                The wife told the police about what really happed however no one believed her. They decided to send her to a hospital. Then suddenly, her son was shouting that he had found the fly. The inspector was convinced to check it out and was dismayed by what he had saw. The fly really exist and was being eaten by a spider so he tried to kill the spider with the fly.

                This movie has very awesome storyline. For me, it was very difficult to think of such ideas for movie during that time. The movie showed that even that time, the idea of teleportation had been theorized. The movie also carefully explained how the theory works.

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