Thursday, March 20, 2014

Imelda reaction paper

Jayvee R. Marjes

Imelda Marcos was once the First Lady of the Republic of the Philippines. She was known for her elegance and beauty when she was a lot younger. She was a great example of beauty, elegance and charm. But despite of this, she can also be a model of power, greed and illusion.
As I watched the film about Imelda Marcos, only one thing comes in my mind; Imelda is very full of herself. Every line that she spoke irritated me, but it also made the whole class, including me, laugh. I think what made us laugh was her foolishness. She looked at herself as the woman of the Philippines, or the most valuable person in the Philippines. “Whenever I’m happy, the people are also happy.” This is one of lines of Imelda that I will never forget. This line already described what kind of a person she is.
But there is a part of the film that really made me laughed; the part where she explains her theory about cosmos and galactic order. She has a lot of symbols for different aspects of life such as peace, love, etc. These things made me laugh hard.
The film also talked about the killing of Ninoy Aquino. Up to now, I think Imelda is still clueless why a lot of people accused her and his husband, Ferdinand Marcos, criminals and the reason behind Aquino’s death. She explains that they won’t have anything to achieve and gain after killing Ninoy.

After watching the film, I can describe her in one word, a fool. She is not aware of the things that is happening around her, she only thinks of her well-being, she is very self-centered. And only a fool and a big-headed person will say this, “I am both a star and a slave; a star for the poor, and a slave for everyone else.”

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